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April News | Willing & Able Foundation

April News

Happy Easter   -   We hope everyone had a happy and relaxed Easter mini break ..
It's been a busy few months...we welcomed Brendan to the Op Shop team, Makayla and Jarren started as Support Workers and new SE's, Will, Kathleen and Ruby officially started their employment with Willing & Able. 
Our Client Satisfaction Survey results are in..... ....and they look impressive! We have extremely high satisfaction levels across the team, with participants and with families and carers.
We will respond to all feedback as soon as possible.
On 21st March, the NDIA released the new NDIS Participant Employment Strategy
In summary they are committed to measuring employment outcomes and the goals that are set during the planning process. They will monitor how participants are supported to implement their employment supports and the tranistions to open employment. They will also monitor satisfaction across the employment journey - It's like we expected it to be. Disability employment is serious and is becomming more so. This justifies the direction we have been heading...so far!
NDIS Annual Pricing Review  
With an ambitious reform agenda set by the Disability Royal Commission and the NDIS Review, the 2023–24 Annual Price Review (APR), comes at a pivotal time for the sector. Some providers have reported their worst financial year ever and without price increases that reflect the true costs of delivering quality and safe disability supports the risk of market failure may become a reality. Willing and Able has recently provided a submission to this review, citing the areas we find challenging as a business and talking about the risks we see into the future. Our peak body, National Disability Services, is making a case for a price uplift to support the sector through the next five-year period of transformation.

April News